Lelya Jvirblis


Measuring 2×2 meters, this round tufted rug features a punch needle design crafted from wool, cotton, and natural latex. It is dyed with bacterial and lichen extracts in a xantoria pattern.

Lichens serve as bioindicators of urban environmental health, thriving where pollution is low. In Amsterdam, their widespread presence reflects a community deeply invested in both their city and environmental well-being.

Drawing a parallel between urban organization and lichen structure, Amsterdam’s central market square mirrors the symbiotic core of lichen, while residential and industrial zones represent growth and reproduction areas. Mobility infrastructure—roads, rivers, and canals—functions akin to lichen’s resource-transporting hyphae.

This rug isn’t merely decorative but a functional play surface for children, reflecting Amsterdam’s eco-friendly ethos. Unlike traditional play carpets with car motifs, it encourages imaginative play rooted in the city’s urban dynamics: market visits, boating, street commerce, dog walking, and cycling—a lifestyle embracing sustainability and safety.

Final Project BioHack Academy 2024

BioHack Documentation